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    Written by Website Admin

    I knew my career could end with a career-ending injury – Shaquille O’Neal reflects on his retirement

    August 1, 2023


    Injuries have put paid to many athletes’ careers and Shaquille O’Neal is no exception. O’Neal had a glorious career and won a total of four NBA championships. The 51-year-old from New Jersey also made a potent alliance with Kobe Bryant for the Los Angeles Lakers.

    Meanwhile, Shaquille O’Neal suffered multiple injuries, which plagued his career. Barring the 2008-09 season (in which he played 75 matches), Shaq played under 60 matches in the NBA after 2006 because of injury troubles.

    O’Neal finally had to stop because of an Achilles tendon injury when he was with the Boston Celtics in the 2010-11 season.

    However, O’Neal revealed his father and mother always stressed on the importance of education because of uncertainties in the sports field.

    During an interview of In-depth with Graham Besinger, O’Neal said, “My mother and father did a very good job of keeping me educated, keeping me understanding that 80% of athletes when they are done playing, have nothing. So you know, they stress education … They forced me to go back to school, get my bachelor’s, get my master’s.

    “My mother challenged me to get my doctorate, I did that. But along the way I was like, ‘You know what? They are right.’ Because it was a lot of times where I could’ve had a career-ending injury …

    “My mother always used to say, ‘You had a good game, but what if you twist your knee and you can’t play anymore? What you’re gonna do? What if you blow your Achilles? What if?’

    “And the ironic thing was I knew that my career will end with a career-ending injury, I knew it.”

    Meanwhile, after retiring from the NBA, O’Neal kept working hard and obtained a masters degree. O’Neal is a business tycoon, worth $400 million. The 4-time NBA champion received his Ed. D. degree in Human Resource Development. His doctorate degree has a focus in organisational learning and leadership.






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