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    Written by DafaNews

    Giannis Leads Poll As Favourite For MVP

    March 24, 2020

    The coronavirus has led to the suspension of the NBA season, but it has not stopped people’s interest in a question that pervaded before the halt – who would win the MVP for this season between current MVP, Milwaukee Bucks Giannis Antetokounmpo and four-time MVP, Los Angeles Lakers LeBron James.

    The struggle between the two, although not obvious or fierce, has been going on for a while now. The All-Stars game, which was held in February had two teams loaded by the two players – Team LeBron v Team Giannis, and the score was 157-155, with Team LeBron taking the lead.

    The 2-point difference could have fueled the assertion that maybe, just maybe, LeBron was a better man for the season, except that Giannis finished second-highest, 25 points, handing Kawhi Leonard who had 30 points, while LeBron came third with 23 points.

    The weekend before the suspension of the game, LeBron had a good time, as, on Friday the 6th, he led his team to defeat the Milwaukee Bucks, scoring 37 points, 8 assists, and 8 rebounds.

    He continued with the same energy on Sunday as he again led his team to show the world who the true king of LA was as they defeated the Los Angeles Clippers, with LeBron scoring 28 points.

    These are impressive stats, but near someone like Giannis, who has made over 30 points this season, five of them back-to-back, and 9 of those 30 points made under 30 mins, it does not even matter.

    However, just to be sure of things, ESPN conducted a poll that included media members, including reporters and writers, who covered the game.

    The style of the poll was designed after the one used in the NBA’s voting process. The voting process used a point system that awarded 10 points if the person was given a first-place vote, 7 points for second place, 5 for third place, and so on.

    The result of the poll had Giannis garnering 670 points out of a possible 700, meaning he was only voted second by 10 people while LeBron pulled 514 votes. Giannis leads between the two with an average point per game of 29.6 points, while LeBron has 25.6 points.

    With over 20 more games to play, we would have to wait till the season resumes to see just how things end between the two and who emerges as the winner.



    Written by: Leon Osamor

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    Written by DafaNews

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